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About PoliceLink
PoliceLink is a multi-media Contact Centre providing a quality service to the communities of NSW. Customer Service Representatives are required to successfully complete training in all of the following business streams.
PoliceLink receives contacts from members of the NSW Community including:
- Emergency Calls – Triple Zero (000)
- Non-Emergency Calls – 131 444
- Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000
- Customer Assistance Unit – 1800 622 571
- NSW Police Force Community Portal (Online Reporting)
Emergency Calls – Triple Zero (000)
Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) receive, interpret and record calls that relate to a life-threatening or time-critical emergency. Call volumes increase during afternoons and escalate into the early hours of the morning. The bulk of calls occur between 3pm and 3am seven days per week. Consequently, there is a demand for afternoon, evening, night and weekend shifts.
Non-Emergency PoliceLink Calls – 131 444
Is a ‘single point of contact’ for 24 hour reporting and processing of non-emergency crime and incidents that do not require immediate police presence. CSRs also answer general inquiries from the community. The bulk of these contacts occur between 6am and 8pm seven days per week. Reports are also received online via the NSW Police Force Community Portal.
Crime Stopper Calls – 1800 333 000
This unit gathers details of criminal activity from members of the community from phone calls and online reports and transfers this information to the appropriate Local Area Commands. Information can be given confidentially.
Customer Assistance Unit Calls – 1800 622 571
Receives calls from the community to register a compliment, concern or complaint in relation to NSW Police.
NSW Police Force Community Portal
Processing non-urgent crime reports lodged online by members of the community.
Other Business Streams
CSRs also answer calls relating to Injury Management Hotline, Petfind Line and other special operations.
PoliceLink is also the home of the NSW Police Child Well Being Unit (CWU). The CWU allows for the recording and exchange of information between NSWPF and other government agencies regarding children at risk. This business stream does not fall under this recruitment.
PoliceLink Vision
To deliver quality customer service through a multi-media contact centre focusing on the needs of our community.
PoliceLink Mission
To provide a 24-hour quality information and reporting service to the community, contributing to a safer NSW.
PoliceLink is part of the Communications and Security Command (CSC), reporting directly to the Assistant Commissioner. PoliceLink is established at both Tuggerah and Lithgow. The two sites operate as one virtual call centre staffed by approximately 400 officers, including Customer Service Representatives, Team Leaders, Training, Technical, Administration and Leadership Units.
Please contact the HOBAN Recruitment team with any enquiries.
Email: policelink@hoban.com.au